b4H Summary of 2020: Materializing Purpose despite de challenges

6 min readDec 31, 2020


Following the b4H Awards in December, every new year brings a bundle of emotions and excitement for the b4 team and family. 2020 was no different; it validated important use cases striving for positive change and the Nominees and Awardees’ determination to make a difference, but also gave us the opportunity and satisfaction to develop Educational Programs to share the knowledge of Blockchain technology to increase awareness and facilitate the adoption of Cryptocurrencies for underserved communities.

For almost a year, b4H works closely with the recipients of the Dreamers Awards and supports, where possible, the projects’ key milestones and overall roadmap.

The 2019 Awardees and the 2020 nominees gave us twice the affirmation that we are heading in the right direction and the possibility of a world that could change for the better. We have met role models entrepreneurs whose passionate drive is a clear result of their Purpose and a business created around a commercial model aligned with that Purpose. It makes us proud to cross paths with more and more founders who share common values and have taken the challenge to stop contributing to the Problem and started being part of the Solution.

As we close the year 2020, we would like to formally praise the achievements and significant progress of the b4H Dreamers 2019 Awardees: ethKids, PolloPollo, AgUnity and VenezVit.


2019 Dreamers Awards: ETHKIDS — Charitable Giving through DAOs

EthKids makes this world a bit of a better place. At least for children. EthKids is a nonprofit ĐAO, this means that it doesn’t have a moderator or an admin. Every charity organization can register on ethKids protocol as long as they represent a nonprofit charity raising funds to help children. Essentially EthKids is a tool the allows crypto-friendly services to easily incorporate the charity flow and incentivize their customer with a positive vibes… who wouldn’t want that?

EthKids was one of the judges’ favorite projects in 2019. In 2020, the b4H team had the privilige to work closely with ethKids Core team to understand the intricacies of the protocol (under the hood) and quickly became a fan of Bonding Curves Concept and Market Making for SOCIAL GOOD.

Technology Progress

2020 was a year of focused development, the platform made a significant numbers of advancements but more specificially, leveraging the the most modern technological trends in the field.

Launch of Version 2.0: DeFi Charity Protocol

All the development and cutting edge technology led to a state-of-art DeFi charity protocol — Enter EthKids version 2.0. The list of improvements included, Decreased transaction fees (more work in progress), a new concept of ‘Passive Charity’ (allowing to donate 24/7 to a good cause, free of charge), and improved tokenized incentive for the donors. As if all the above was not enough!

Congrats 👏🏽 ethKids team for your achievements!!


2019 Dreamers Award: PolloPollowatch intro

2020 started as a very hectic and laborious year for Pollo Pollo. From February to May 2020 an early prototype was further developed into a fully functional platform. Since May, PolloPollo processed more than 1,500 donations, worth more than 7,500 USD and thereby providing food to a lot of people who suffered hunger in Venezuela (first use case).

Legal and Regulatory Progress

Through this year, PolloPollo worked diligently with the Danish Financial Supervisory Authorities and the Board of Charitable Organizations to be recognized and operate as a charitable organization with an approved trustless peer to peer charity donation model that conforms the essence of the PolloPollo platform. We are proud to see a distributed ledger project demonstrating its utility the local authorities and managing to expand the boundaries of an existing regulatory framework.

Technical Progress

Major update of the front-end of the website that enable PolloPollo to scale further on the merchant- and applicant side. Check it out for yourself!

Partnerships Progress

Several interesting ongoing talks with potential partners that can help them introduce a Visa/Mastercard donation option. Fingers crossed for all this to materialized in 2021.

Noticeable Recognition

An outstanding article by Antonius Gress from Bosch Connectory Stuttgart, making Casper Niebe, Founder of PolloPollo, his personal “Person of the year” in this article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/my-person-year-2020-antonius-gress/?trackingId=mhH0DgCrQbCaDFRBqgYEqQ%3D%3D

There is nothing else to say other than Congratulations 👏🏽 PolloPollo, we are proud!


2019 Dreamers Award: AgUnity — watch intro

AgUnity offers a platform that brings efficiency and transparency to food supply chains. The platform has been developed over four years and deployed in seven countries in partnership with the world’s largest NGOs and ethical corporations.

The last three months have also seen a continued expansion of the team with now 25+ new, experienced individuals on a Work for Equity basis for AgUnity Response.

AgUnity Response

This year has seen the birth of AgUnity Response. This is the AgUnity team’s way of adapting existing platform to offer tech solutions related to COVID-19 in developed & emerging markets. While the team continues to work on its long-term initiatives; special focus was placed on protecting elders and the vulnerable. Improved food systems in the developing world can rapidly be adapted to this ever evolving situation. The demand is clear, 8 projects are already being conducted, this proves that the AgUnity solution is not only for developing world farmers but it can play a crucial role in developed countries as they navigate the COVID19 crisis.

In addition to this, ‘AgUnity Response’ was voted the winner for the Best AgriTech/FoodTech Project, Product or Pivot category in Online Startup & Innovation Awards organised by YBF Ventures.

Congratulations to the AgUntiy team 👏🏽 and best wishes with the fundraising efforts. Impact investors out there, this is your moment to shine!


2019 Dreamers Award: VenezVit

VenezVit is in pursue of a mission and ensure that 100% of vital and life-saving medications end up in the intended hands of the people who need them.

2020 brought focus on relentless dedication to complete the technical developments of the MVP that allows the NGOs monitor humanitarian goods during their journey, and have in-the-field “per dose” drugs tracing.

VenezVit MVP

During first quarter of 2020, VenezVit achieved the first iteration of its MVP which was ready for a pilot implementation. The COVID pandemic brough a few challenges and the pilot was not able to kick start. But there are no set backs for this team; they have worked hard in extending partnerships and validating the challenges in the humanitarian aid supply chain.

b4H was very proud to work closely with VenezVit and support the technical development of the MVP.

👏🏽 Congratulations on VenezVit achievements!

The b4H team closes 2020 with pride and satisfied with the progress made by these Projects, they embody the ideals and values we promote and inspire us to continue with our mission to support the use of emerging technologies to lift Humanity.

Until next year!!

The b4H team

About Blockchain for Humanity

b4H is a decentralized, not-for-profit foundation that scouts, recognizes, supports, and receives donations to catalyze resources to social innovation projects applying emerging technologies on positive impact use cases while transforming businesses around purpose.

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Blockchain for Humanity is not-for-profit foundation that catalizes resources to projects building impact solutions using the Blockchain Technology.